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Maglocks in Emergencies: Fail-Safe Benefits and Alternatives

Maglocks in Emergencies: Fail-Safe Benefits and Alternatives

Published by APEX Control Solutions on 2nd Nov 2023


When it comes to securing a building, magnetic locks or maglocks are a popular choice. But are they safe in emergency situations? And why are they considered fail-safe rather than fail-secure? Let’s explore how maglocks work, why they’re ideal for emergency exits, and what to consider if you need a lock that stays secure when the power’s out.

How Do Maglocks Work?

Maglocks operate using electromagnets to keep a door securely closed. When they’re powered, the magnetic force holds the door shut. But when the power is cut, the magnetic field releases, and the door unlocks. This makes maglocks naturally fail-safe, meaning they unlock if the power goes out.

This fail-safe design is what makes maglocks great for emergency exits. Imagine a fire or power outage—any situation where quick evacuation is essential. Since maglocks unlock without power, they let people exit quickly and safely, just what you want in an emergency.

Fail-Safe vs. Fail-Secure: What’s the Difference?

Security devices are often categorised as either fail-safe or fail-secure:

  • Fail-Safe: The lock unlocks when power is lost. This is perfect for emergency exits where you need doors to open automatically during a power failure.
  • Fail-Secure: The lock stays locked when power is lost. This option is commonly used for high-security areas where it’s more important to keep doors locked even if the power goes out.

Since maglocks rely on electricity to stay locked, they’re inherently fail-safe. They can’t operate in a fail-secure mode because they would need power to stay locked.

But What if You Need a Fail-Secure Lock?

If your setup requires doors to stay locked during a power failure, maglocks won’t work for that. But there are other options:

  • Electric Strikes: Electric strikes work with mechanical locks and can be configured as either fail-safe or fail-secure. In a fail-secure mode, they stay locked without power, making them a good choice for areas that need to stay secure during an outage.
  • Electromechanical Locks: These locks combine the features of mechanical locks with electronic control and can be set to fail-secure. They’re often used in places where both security and access control are needed, like data centers or high-security offices.

So, if you’re looking to keep doors locked in a power outage, electric strikes or electromechanical locks might be your best option.

Why Maglocks Are Still a Great Option

For many situations, maglocks are a reliable and safe option. Here’s why they work so well in emergency situations:

  • Quick Release in Emergencies: Maglocks unlock instantly if the power is cut, letting people exit fast in case of an emergency.
  • Fire Alarm Integration: Many maglocks can be linked to fire alarm systems so they’ll automatically release if the alarm goes off. This adds another layer of safety.
  • Low Maintenance: With no moving parts, maglocks are durable and tend to last a long time without needing repairs.
  • Easy to Use with Egress Systems: Maglocks often come with features like exit buttons or motion sensors, so people can easily open the door from the inside.

So, Are Maglocks Right for Your Building?

Maglocks are ideal for buildings where safe, quick exit is essential think of offices, schools, and public spaces. But if you need doors to stay locked during power outages, then a maglock isn’t the best choice. Instead, look at alternatives like electric strikes or electromechanical locks, especially for high-security areas.

Learn More About Fail-Safe and Fail-Secure Options

Curious about the differences between fail-safe and fail-secure locks? Check out our blog post on fail-safe vs. fail-secure locks for a deeper look into each configuration and how to choose the right one.

Contact Us for Expert Advice

If you’re considering maglocks for your building or need help choosing the right lock type, our team at APEX Control Solutions is here to guide you. Get in touch with us for professional advice on building the safest and most secure setup for your property.